The embodiment of the greater inequities women experience

 In the same spirit of love and liberation that inspired the Women’s March, we join together in making March 8th A Day Without a Woman, recognizing the enormous value that women of all backgrounds add to our socio-economic system – while receiving lower wages and experiencing greater inequities, vulnerability to discrimination, sexual harassment, and job insecurity. We recognize that trans and gender nonconforming people face heightened levels of discrimination, social oppression and political targeting. We believe in gender justice

Think this is not necessary?

Here’s Virginia House of Delegates 42nd District Representative, and Chairman of its Courts of Justice Committee, Dave Albo exercising his “personal privilege”  to faux demand a faux apology from his “gentleman” colleague for discussing  his bill requiring women exercising their reproductive rights be forced to suffer a transvaginal probe.

Delegate Albo and the elected “gentlemen” representatives whooping and hollering for this performance embody the greater inequities that require A Day Without A Woman.

You know this action is necessary.